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Emerging Technology / Digital Transformation, Information Technology & Data Analytics / Future of Work / AI, Robotics & Automation / Generative AI / Social Media Marketing & Business Analytics / Moderators / Must-Read Books


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    Nasty, brutish and dumb: Humans and their phones - Nicholas Carr
  • Nicholas Carr | What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains
    Nicholas Carr | What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains
  • The Glass Cage: Automation and Us | Nicholas Carr | Talks at Google
    The Glass Cage: Automation and Us | Nicholas Carr | Talks at Google
  • Nicholas Carr | The World Is Not the Screen || Radcliffe Institute
    Nicholas Carr | The World Is Not the Screen || Radcliffe Institute
  • Nicholas Carr on The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing Us -John Adams Institute
    Nicholas Carr on The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing Us -John Adams Institute
  • Nicholas Carr: Our Automated Lives
    Nicholas Carr: Our Automated Lives
  • Era of the Cloud: Nicholas Carr (Google Atmosphere Session 2)
    Era of the Cloud: Nicholas Carr (Google Atmosphere Session 2)

Learn More About Nicholas Carr

As individuals, organizations and communities grapple with the harmful effects of technology – from distraction and skill loss to misinformation and social strife – acclaimed sociologist and New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Carr shows us how we can shape a different future by avoiding past mistakes and crafting creative solutions to current and future problems.

A visiting professor at Williams College and a former executive editor at Harvard Business Review, Carr has spent decades observing and dissecting how technology, particularly digital media, artificial intelligence and automation, can undermine our ability to think critically, retain knowledge, perform tasks and make decisions. As an educator, advisor and speaker, he shares sage advice and research on how to proactively reclaim our brains and gain more control of our lives at work, at home and in society.

“When we constrict our capacity for reasoning and recall or transfer those skills to a gadget, we sacrifice our ability to turn information into knowledge,” Carr writes in his Wall Street Journal essay, “How Smartphones Hijack Our Minds.” “We get the data but lose the meaning. Upgrading our gadgets won’t solve the problem. We need to give our minds more room to think.”

Carr’s 2019 article, “Thieves of Experience: How Google and Facebook Corrupted Capitalism,” may seem more timely now, but it is just one in a series of early warning bells he has been sounding since the publication of his prescient 2008 essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” which remains a modern classic. His New York Times bestselling book, “The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains” – a Pulitzer Prize finalist – was an early examination of the high price we pay for enjoying “the internet’s bounties.” While today’s remote and hybrid workplace models offer many benefits, Carr argues that the associated losses, especially to individual cognition, may justify a reconsideration of how often we engage through screens.

A New York Times review of his 2015 book, “The Glass Cage: How Our Computers Are Changing Us,” called Carr’s insights into the division of labor between humans and AI “essential.” A witty and thought-provoking orator and analyst, Carr describes the dangers of an overreliance on robots and artificial intelligence and offers constructive advice on designing automation to get the most out of computers while also protecting human skills, insights and values. Carr challenges decision makers in every sector to think critically about the future of work, the future of technology, and the future of humanity.

“We need to become better stewards of our own technological future because technology itself is not going to make us better human beings,” Carr explained at Purdue University’s Dawn or Doom Conference. “That’s something that only we can do, both individually and as a society.”


A former executive editor for the Harvard Business Review, Nicholas Carr’s work has been published in The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Wired, Nature, MIT Technology Review and other publications. His essays, including “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and “The Great Forgetting,” have been collected in several anthologies, such as “The Best American Science and Nature Writing,” “The Best Spiritual Writing” and “The Best Technology Writing.”

Carr served as a member of the Encyclopedia Britannica’s editorial board of advisors, was on the steering board of the World Economic Forum’s cloud computing project and was a writer-in-residence at the University of California at Berkeley’s journalism school. In 2015, he received the Neil Postman Award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity from the Media Ecology Association. He has appeared on a wide range of radio and television programs, including NPR’s All Things Considered and OnPoint, the PBS NewsHour, MSNBC’s Morning Joe, CBS Sunday Morning and The Colbert Report.

Carr is currently a visiting professor of sociology at Williams College and holds a B.A. from Dartmouth College, as well as an M.A. in English and American Literature and Language from Harvard University.

Nicholas Carr is available to advise your organization via virtual and in-person consulting meetings, interactive workshops and customized keynotes through the exclusive representation of Stern Speakers & Advisors, a division of Stern Strategy Group®.

Nicholas Carr was last modified: January 6th, 2025 by Justin Louis

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“The Spanish Council of Psychology, the leader of psychology in the Ibero-American world, held its annual conference (virtually) on November 14, 2020 featuring well-known author and lecturer Nicholas Carr who spoke about the mind and social networks. His inclusion on the list of speakers for our conference was without a doubt the main incentive to register and participate in the conference and was a large part of the conference’s success.”

Rodolfo Ramos Álvarez, Professor Psychology / Technology, General Council of Psychology of Spain