It’s 2018 and more than a billion people utilize social media. For companies, organizations and government bodies, these platforms offer a way to expand their reach to target audiences, and Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to name a few, are weaved into many people’s everyday lives. In this episode of Minds Worth Meeting, we speak with social media expert Jeff Hancock about the new psychology of social media and building trust with consumers. Keep an eye out for his new book, “Calling Bulls**t,” which will help us navigate the disinformation on the Internet and in the media.
Follow Professor Jeff Hancock on Twitter @jeffhancock.
For more information about the new psychology of social media, building trust with consumers, and Professor Hancock’s work as discussed in this episode, visit the links below:
Jeff Hancock is available for paid speaking engagements, including keynote addresses, speeches, panels and conference talks, and advisory/consulting services through exclusive representation by Stern Speakers, a division of Stern Strategy Group®.
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