How do we solve the world’s problems? Rana el Kaliouby, inventor, artificial intelligence expert, and co-host of PBS’ new series “NOVA Wonders” argues that the most pressing global issues increasingly require technological solutions. “The way to solve problems in the world is to become scientists and technologists, build things that have never been built before and discover things that people don’t know about.” As a leading authority in the field of AI and passionate believer in its power to change the world, El Kaliouby is at the forefront of this innovative voyage.
In six remarkable episodes, “NOVA Wonders” takes viewers through astonishing worlds of discovery and a wide variety of thought-provoking topics in science, from the possibility of intelligent life in outer space to deciphering the communication skills of animals. In episode four, Can We Build a Brain?, the former MIT research scientist played an even more important role as an example of a pioneer in a technology that may be the most transformative of the near future: taking AI to the next level by giving it the ability to recognize human emotion. She calls this “Emotion AI,” and it may forever change the way we interact with machines. El Kaliouby is bringing us closer to the day when we can interact with machines on an entirely new level, and use them to not only better communicate with each other, but to make advances in education and health care – fields that require both the efficiency of AI and the emotional connections provided by humans.
Emotion AI can revolutionize the way we communicate, teach and understand love and friendship, in addition to solving complex problems. It’s just one example of how a greater appreciation for science can change the world. On “NOVA Wonders,” el Kaliouby and her co-hosts take you along for the exciting ride.
Catch the final episode, “What’s the Universe Made Of?,” which airs tonight on PBS.