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Posted by & filed under PR & Executive Visibility, PR Strategy & Media Relations.

One glowing light bulb standing out from unlit incandescent bulbs.

The media landscape is constantly changing – that much is a cliché at this point, even if it’s true. By now the big changes that have occurred since the days of Walter Cronkite – a 24/7 news cycle, a global and interconnected focus rather than a local one, the reduction of reporting staff by many…

Posted by & filed under Conferences & Meetings, Customer Experience, Speaking & Advisory, Uncategorized.

Making a virtual event feel like a live event is not as hard as it may seem. Digital platforms are more powerful and continue to offer more tools. We’ll follow up about that later. In the meanwhile, here are some handy tips for creating seamless, inspiring and impactful webinars for your organization. KNOW YOUR TECHNOLOGY…