Last year, more than $332 billion were spent on digital marketing campaigns worldwide, yet few organizations know how to accurately measure their return on that investment. “I’ll let you in on a dirty little secret. Digital ads don’t work nearly as well as their advertisers say they do,” says MIT digital scientist and business analytics expert Sinan Aral, author of…
Employee health is top of mind for leaders right now as remote employees start returning to a shared workplace and essential workers continue to be exposed to risks. Ensuring every member of an organization is safe and healthy is not only the right thing to do, it also helps the bottom line. Here, renowned thought…
As artificial intelligence continues to permeate our lives, how can we ensure bias is not being built into the technologies we use every day? “A well-known saying in the artificial intelligence community is ‘Garbage In! Garbage Out!’” says Dr. Ayanna Howard, robotics pioneer and tech entrepreneur. “In other words, the quality of the data that’s fed into AI algorithms…
As people continue to work remotely, in isolation or with the demands of home life seeping into their workdays, organizational leaders are looking for guidance on how to protect the mental and emotional health of their employees, especially those feeling anxious about returning to a shared office space. Here, leading authorities offer companies insights and strategies…
Climate change will be the defining context for business this decade and beyond. The long-term survival of any organization hinges on their understanding of the climate crisis and their leadership’s commitment to true solutions. Dr. Katharine Wilkinson’s recently published book “All We Can Save: Truth, Courage and Solutions for the Climate Crisis” (One World, September…
“Since digital culture became part of our intimate lives, Sherry Turkle has helped us understand our complex, evolving dance with technology, using the power of data and analysis. Now, with raw and refreshing authenticity, she shares her personal journey, which serves as a powerful and poignant reminder that it is in our relationships with one another —…
Leaders in every sector are facing one of the biggest challenges in their careers: getting employees to return to the office while a deadly pandemic slowly and unpredictably resolves. In addition to preparing the physical workspace, they must be ready to address the psychological issues that may arise in a setting where employees feel anxious or at…
The retail industry was trying to adapt to the disruptive effects of online giants like Amazon even before the pandemic took hold. Since then, the impact of the crisis has dramatically changed how people shop and how retailers connect with consumers in a marketplace where conditions are constantly shifting. This new environment presents both challenges and opportunities,…
While stories about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) continue to dominate the news, an important question is, will NFTs go away as quickly as they appeared, or are they here to stay? (And an understandable companion question is: What are NFTs, anyway, and why are people spending millions of dollars to acquire them?!) Traditional investors, or those who rely on…
How do you know when to trust an organization, individual or piece of news? And how do you regain trust from customers, employees or colleagues when your own trustworthiness has been called into question? It’s not always easy, says Wharton Business Law and Ethics Professor Kevin Werbach, an authority on blockchain technologies, AI, and cybersecurity. Werbach –…
How and why are some industry newcomers able to displace well-established giants in record time? According to Karim Lakhani, Harvard Business School professor and expert on AI-driven operating models, the answer lies in digital transformation. His latest case study, which documented the development of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, offers dramatic proof that an AI-centered model offers organizations a powerful…
In a knowledge economy, brainpower has value. And like other assets, it’s worth protecting. Yet, the topic of brain health rarely comes up in board rooms, corporate meetings or even around the dinner table. World-renowned clinical neuroscientist, neuro-nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author Lisa Mosconi, PhD, has been slowly changing that by teaching the science…
Working from home has many benefits. But it can also cause leaders and teams to feel uneasy about how to measure expectations and how to productively communicate across distances. As with many forms of digital communication, a lot can get lost in translation, leaving room for potential misinterpretation. Moreover, without an ability to see how…
Today’s business leaders are trying to adapt to rapid changes in technology, society and the workplace, particularly since the pandemic took hold. Harvard Business School professor and New York Times bestselling author Debora Spar is helping them navigate successfully and prepare for what’s coming – both domestically and abroad. With research at the intersection of business, technology…
We marvel at the new connections enabled by our digital devices. Yet they also create barriers to creativity and collaboration in the workplace and inhibit communication in personal relationships. If we are always thinking about our phones, we cannot be fully present to each other, says MIT sociologist and New York Times bestselling author Sherry Turkle. And yet we are…
A pervasive lack of trust is affecting many areas of life right now. Too often, the practices of businesses and institutions – and those who run them – are being called into question, leading to backlash from customers and constituents who are choosing to disengage, boycott or otherwise rebel. This crisis of trust has leaders scrambling for…
Our lives are now ruled by digital devices, screens and cameras that follow us through stores, streets and even our homes. That’s no secret. What may be less apparent, however, is how technology erodes our human capacity to feel emotions and empathize, and how that harms our relationships – with others, ourselves and the world around us….
Any organization looking to increase performance across the board would be hard pressed to find a more masterful guide than Steven Kotler, one of world’s foremost experts on individual and group performance. For over two decades, Kotler’s work has become synonymous with possibilities and breakthroughs at the highest level of human and enterprise capacity. By showing…